May 08, 2016
Maximizing Your Kingdom Authority In The Area of Fear: Resist The Temptation
Thank you Father I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the stranger, the evil one, the devil I will not follow. I monitor my thoughts and cast down every contrary thought that is against your word. Every thought that gives rise to fear, every thought against your established plan for my life I agree with the Word that I do not live by natural wisdom but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. When I would be afraid I will trust in the promises of God that are found in His word. I choose to overcome every strategy of satan to derail my peace with fear, disrupt my purpose, entrap me into sin and to steal my witness. I have authority over all the works of darkness and they must bow to the name of Jesus. I walk not in the counsel of the ungodly nor will I yield to the dictates of my flesh but my delight is in the law of the Lord and in that law I meditate day and night. I boldly declare that I am a tree planted by the rivers of the waters. I bring forth fruit in my season. My leaf shall not wither and whatsoever I do shall always prosper in the Name of Jesus.
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