For Pastor Joy, ministry has always been embedded in her DNA. Beginning at the tender age of four, where she professed her love for Jesus Christ, accepting him as her Savior, to the age of ten when she prophetically began referring to herself as “junior pastor.” Pastor Joy always knew she was destined to follow in the footsteps of her mom, Apostle Joyce E. Scott, Founder and Senior Pastor of New Life Ministries International, Inc., located @ 10 West 7th Street Chester, PA. Even through her teenage years, the tug of ministry was always never far from her thoughts.
Subsequently in 1996, Pastor Joy began walking in the anointing of the “silent prophet” aka mime ministry. As this ministry flourished, under the leading of the Lord, she began to train other members; thus, the silent prophet ministry called “Faces of Life,” was birthed. During her dance ministry, many have been healed, saved, set free and delivered. Pastor Joy has had the opportunity to share this gift from God for his people in worship services, youth rallies, and many other types of events. It has always been her desire to be used by the Lord to somehow show others the depth of the love of the Father concerning them. Often when travelling with her mom, Pastor Joy would minister in dance to those in attendance, preceding Apostle Scott’s delivery of the Word of God. Additionally, she has opened for musical recording artists such as Yolanda Adams, Vickie Winans, Richard Smallwood, Dorothy Norwood and Gerald Pierce. Pastor Joy’s dance ministry, by the grace and favor of the Lord, has taken her to various states within the USA, including Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina, California and Virginia. Moreover, her dance assignment has taken her globally to Trinidad, and several cities in South Africa.
Desiring more than anything, to fulfill the call of God upon her life, Pastor Joy enrolled in bible school at Deliverance Evangelistic Bible Institute in Philadelphia, PA. Continuing to diligently pursue her mandate, she then moved to Tulsa, OK to further her training in Pastoral Studies at Rhema Bible Training Center, continuing to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Pastor Joy graduated from Rhema, moved back to Pennsylvania and received her Ministerial License from her home church, the place where it all got started; New Life Ministries International, Inc. She has had the privilege and honor to minister at her home church as well as varying seminars and conferences. The anointing on her life brings salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration and a deeper understanding of the Word of God to all who hear. Pastor Joy delivers the simplicity of the Word with much revelation, thus making one able to apply it to daily living. She is wise beyond her years, and ministers to the young and seasoned alike. Her visual demonstrations when she teaches, are also evident in the “better than Broadway” plays which she composes, choreographs, directs and produces. In addition to being Youth Pastor, “Aunt Joy,” as she is affectionately called by the youth, is the director of the children and youth dance team appropriately named, Destined & Purpose.
Pastor Joy is humbled and at times in awe, at all that God has done in and through her life. Including the Lord sending her to minister to thousands in multiple cities within South Africa, such as Johannesburg, Pretoria, Rustenburg, Vereeniging and East London.
If you were to ask Pastor Joy, she would emphatically express that full time ministry has its challenges, but the delight in seeing the lives of people transformed and their relationship with God strengthened and expanded, far outweighs any challenge. Not to mention walking in what you were born to do and being completely in the will of God. Pastor Joy is committed to a life of prayer, walking in character and integrity, but most of all, teaching the uncompromised Word of God to impact and build the lives of people, as she Reaches Generations with New Life for Jesus Christ!